
Ps4 controller led mods
Ps4 controller led mods

ps4 controller led mods ps4 controller led mods

NOTE: Because the JDM-020 uses blind vias, I'll need to have one of these to tear down and see about the best spots for duplicate buttons and such. They seem to have ditched the Fujitsu ARM for a Freescale one and finally started to use blind vias. The shell has also been changed for the smaller PCB, so a 1:1 swap can't be done without some modification to this version shell if installing one of the older wider boards. The USB/LED board (not pictured yet) is redone so there are 2 less wires on the connector. It's a little smaller width wise and has some things moved around, but is pretty much the same thing.

ps4 controller led mods

The L2 and R2 are PWM and should connect to the 2L and 2R spots respectively if they are to be duplicated. The L1 and R1 are Active Hi, and have to be connected to the 3.2v line to activate. Connecting them to any Ground spot will make them work. The D-pad, Cross, Circle, Square and Triangle buttons are active Lo. NOTES on button layout, applies to all versions so far. Vias for the buttons of the JDM-001 (NOTE: The PCB is the Blue version here, but the Blue and the Green boards are identical in this respect) So far there are 7 versions of the DS4 controller PCB.

Ps4 controller led mods